Women's Team
Sun 10 Dec 2023
Regents Park
Wandsworth Borough Football Club
Women's Team
Ladies v Regents Park

Ladies v Regents Park

Richard Plumtree13 Dec 2023 - 09:15
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Ladies report

An early start for the ladies as we trekked to North London for a 10:30am kick off against the top of Division 2 North for another cup fixture.

The game started strong with the ladies making some good play and keeping Regents Park at bay. Borough had the first big chance of the game with Becks hitting the cross bar 10 minutes in. The ladies continued to press to try and find the first goal of the game, however, 20 minutes in and Regents Park came on an attack and their striker took a powerful shot which bounced off the crossbar and across the line.
Borough kicked back off and made some great attempts down the wings using the speed of both Dani and Nada who made the Regents Park defence panic at times. Both wingers were working relentlessly!
In the middle of the park Gemma and Moz were doing their utmost to prevent them coming through and were continuing to make runs to assist Dani and Nada and supporting Becks upfront. Borough made the first change giving Moz a break and bringing Leah on from the bench. Leah got stuck into her unfamiliar position well battling hard and making some through balls to Dani, Nana and Becks.

Half time and the ladies came off feeling positive and was raring to go in the 2nd half.

Borough continued to press and the defence continued to keep Regents Park at bay. Jo and Sarah were strong at centre back leading the line well, whilst Harriet and Wiki supported Dani and Nada and tried to break Regents Park on the attack trying to get the ball through to Becks but we could not get an opportunity to come our way to truly test their keeper.
Vinny was debating his options on the side line and decided to opt for a change in formation to adopt a more attacking stance to see if we could break through and score an equaliser to take it to penalties. With 3 at the back, Becks back on up top and Wiki and Harriet adopting wing back positions the final 10 minutes consisted of Borough on the full attack. The determination to get an equaliser could be seen from everyone on the pitch and everyone fought to the very end.
The final whistle blew. Although it meant the ladies were out of the Sue Sharples Cup the ladies should be supper proud of their performance! To keep the top of Division 2 North at bay is a big achievement and shows how far we have come! The ladies are ready to take the determination and positivity into the final game of the year against the Division 2 Central and South side Croydon and are ready to shake things up just in time for Christmas!

Match details

Match date

Sun 10 Dec 2023


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Shirt Sponsor - Psychology Direct